2200 people attended The Who concert at Union Catholic High School on November 29, 1967. If you were among those lucky enough to attend, please post your memories of the show and your name will be added to the list below. We are striving to get as close to 2200 names as possible. (Compiling a list of concert attendees was the idea of Dave Goessling, a major contributor to When Stars Were in Reach.) If you object to the appearance of your name in the list of concert attendees, please post a comment requesting that your name be removed.
As of October 23, 2014, due to spammers and hackers and Louis Vuitton, this page is temporarily being disabled. If you attended The Who concert at Union Catholic High School, please send me an e-mail at posey53@gmail.com and I will manually add your name to the list of concert attendees.
List of Concert Attendees:
- Nancy Balakier Tillman
- Pat Beck Wagner
- John Bevilacqua
- Nancy Finnerty Bigelow
- Bob Bresky
- Carol Brower
- Gary Buffington
- Mike Casey
- Tim Casey
- Judy Chmeil
- Ray Cirelli
- Kevin Compton
- Jim Condon
- Myke Connell
- Angelo Del Monte
- Janet Sich Del Nero
- Janet Stanford Delvecchio
- Joseph DiPropero
- Ed Doolin
- Bernard (Skip) Dorgan
- Beverly Erickson Cohen
- Bill Erickson
- Andy Foley
- Harvey Gannon
- Rich Geisler
- James Geoghan
- Carol Ann Giardelli
- Bob Gilligan
- Paula Giuggio-Shea
- Dave Goessling
- Kenny Gorka
- Connie Grimaldi
- Diane Pelusio Guerrant
- Bill Herrell
- Annette Herrmann
- Kevin Holt
- Danny James
- Norma James
- Jacquie Johnson
- Jon Kenseth
- Diana Delvecchio King
- John Korba
- Bart Kostar
- Dean Landew
- Steve Langer
- Bill Lehne
- Peggy Liddy
- Janet Lisky
- Michael Lock
- Nancy Scalera Mackow
- Terry Mahon
- Zig Mantell
- William Martin
- Rob Mathers
- Mike Mazzarisi
- David J. McCartney
- Jim McClurken
- Bob McHugh
- Joseph McMorrow
- Ralph Miccio
- Eugene Moran
- Don Neri
- Rob Norris
- Sheila Kane Porcelli
- Sal Prezioso
- Rick Price
- Mary Kate Pung
- Sheila Waite Ranieri
- Mark Russell
- Dennis M. Ryan
- Gary Michael Saran
- Claudia Schmidt
- Mary Ellen Merritt Shea
- John Shea
- Terry Shea
- Donna Sibilia
- Nancy Geoghan Snyder
- Raymond Solomon
- Phyllis Stephen
- Anthony Tedesco
- Mike Testa
- Lynn Van Nuys
- Jerry Vanderheyden
- Mike Ward
- Larry Wetzler
- Jim Wood
- John Wyrough
- Robert Wyrough
It was a really great concert. I was really looking forward to the Who “exploding ” during their final song and destroying the instruments, but when they came out on stage, I turned to my girlfriend, and said,”They won’t be destroying their instruments. The lead guitarist has a solid body guitar, and you can’t destroy one of those.” Did they ever prove me wrong!! I thought it was really great that they kept the beat going as pieces of instruments flew all over. I remember then that a number of people stood up and started crowding towards the stage. There were cops around the stage–I think about 4 of them. They looked at each other and like “Uh oh–what do we do now?” It looked like they were thinking or taking off. After all, Scotch Plains/Fanwood cops–what did they know about crowd control?! Fortunately for them, the crowd didn’t get out of hand. It was the best concert I have ever attended–and in my high school gym!!
Richard, thanks for sharing those great memories. A number of people who attended the show mentioned a rush to the stage during the smashup, although the three existing photos of the smash indicate that perhaps the rush to the stage happened towards the end or immediately after the smashup. Regardless, thanks for contributing your memories to the site.
I was there and really just waiting to see if they would really destroy their instruments as I knew they had at other concerts. That was a signature for them and they did not disappoint!
It was during the summer prior to our senior year when several of us were hired to do “janitorial work” at the school for $2.50 hour (the price of a Who ticket) when on the back stairwell on the girl’s side I suggested the idea to Gary Buffington. We kicked it around, later shared it with some of the other student-workers (Bob Mathers, Steve Langer, etc.)
I still have at least one letter I sent out trying to get a group to come and play, but it was Bob Gilligan who had the connection. The rest, as they say, is in Michael’s book.
none of us realized the importance of the concerts at UC – people never believe me when I recall the groups that played at the school.
I was a freshman and up in the balcony.
I was there. Was a freshman at UC. My brother was a senior, and I believe that his friend, who was student council president, was one of the main drivers behind the concerts held there. I clearly remember Keith Moon breaking the head on his snare, tossing it over his head and grabbing a replacement snare!
The 1st famous UC concert
I remember wearing a dress to that concert. Our art teacher, Sr. Gerarda (spelling), had made the arrangements and told our class to dress appropriately. Everyone waited on line patiently for the doors to open. I sat upstairs in the gym and couldn’t believe it when the guitarist smashed his guitar at the end of the concert. It was one of the great concerts Union Catholic had.
Happy Anniversary and good luck with this project!
“I can see for Miles” was the best!
I was a freshman at Union Catholic Girls HS and attended the concert.
I don’t think many of us realized that we were part of an amazing event. Throughout my life, anytime I recall those concert years to new friends, they don’t believe me. I used to say “google it”, now I recommend the book! Those days would simply be impossible to replicate today.
I understand from your comment that you attended many U.C. concerts. But I need your confirmation whether or not you were at The Who show. Thanks.
Michael Rosenbloom
I was there!!! I also bought the book. Like Nancy Scalera , I graduated in ’71, so I guess I was a freshman. I got hold of drum stick, and my friend Janet Lisky got a piece of Pete Townsend’s guitar. We were ducking down near the stage as they were breaking up their instruments trying to not get hit in the head. When I tell people today that The Who played at my Catholic HS, they are in disbelief. I love having the book!
We went to HS in very unique times, but then again, we boomers have had many unique experiences….no regrets!
I remember the concert so well! I remember Rodger Daltry swinging his microphone like a lasso ( as he did in every show) ! As well as Pete Townsend smashing his guitar! My Dad was the president of our PTA and we were doing the concert as a fundraiser for the school. When we made the contract in the spring they cost $3,000. During the summer Happy Jack came out which was a tremendous success! Lucky for us we made the contract when we did. By the time they came out to us their going rate was $10,000! Quite different from todays rates!
I know Don Neri was there but no longer know how to get in touch with him